The 7 reasons why a rafega fan is a sustainable product

Las 7 razones por las que un abanico ràfega es un producto sostenible

From the beginning of ràfega , we were clear that we wanted to create a sustainable product, with responsible materials and manufacturing processes that minimize environmental impact. Our commitment aligns with the urgent calls from organizations, governments and companies to protect the planet.

We cannot ignore the reality: human activities are causing rising temperatures, floods, droughts and other devastating effects. Reducing our carbon footprint is essential to mitigate climate change, and we at ràfega are joining this effort.

Here we share 7 reasons why our handmade fans are a sustainable option:

  1. Materials: Our fans are made from natural and renewable materials such as wood and fabric. These materials have been proven to have a lower environmental impact compared to plastics and other synthetic materials.

  2. Low energy consumption: Although it seems obvious, we think it is important to remember that a hand fan does not require electrical energy to operate and this reduces the carbon footprint associated with the generation of electricity and the use of fossil fuels from fans and air conditioners.

  3. Durability : A well-made fan, i.e. made from quality materials, can last for many years if properly cared for. Its durability reduces the need for frequent replacements, which decreases the amount of waste generated.

  4. Artisanal production: At ràfega we are interested in local production for two reasons: firstly, because in this way we help the economy of our country. And secondly, because we promote artisanal manufacturing, which implies more sustainable and ethical production processes. It has been proven that artisanal production usually has a lower environmental impact compared to large-scale industrial production.

  5. Supply chain: The production and distribution of hand fans, especially if they are manufactured locally, generates fewer transport and logistics emissions than the production and distribution of modern refrigeration equipment. In our case, for example, our manufacturers are families living in Aldaia (Valencia), just three hours from Barcelona.                                                                                                                        
  6. Reuse or Repair: Hand fans are easily reusable and can be easily repaired, encouraging continued use and reducing the need for disposable products.                                                                                                                                                           
  7. Easy recycling and composting: In case you no longer want to use them or repair is not an option, being made of natural materials, the fans can be recycled or even composted at the end of their useful life, which reduces their environmental impact. Your collaboration is also important to make this possible: remember to dispose of them in the appropriate place so that the responsible authorities can carry out an appropriate recycling job.

At ráfega , we are committed to creating fans that are not only useful and high quality, but also respectful of the planet. Our goal is to offer products that refresh both people and the environment, with the minimum possible impact.

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